FIGO stage:
-0 Carcinoma in situ (before invasion)
-I Confined to cervix
--Ia microinvasion of stroma
--Ib invasion confined to cervix
-II Extension beyond cervix but not to pelvic wall / lower third
of vagina
--IIa vaginal invasion excluding lower 1/3
--IIb parametrial involvement excepting pelvic sidewall
-III Extension to pelvic wall / lower third of vagina
--IIIa invasion of lower 1/3 of vagina
--IIIb parametrial involvement to pelvic wall
--IVa mucosal involvement of bladder / rectum
--IVb spread to distant organs (paraaortic / inguinal nodes, intraperitoneal
Significance of tumor size:
-->4 cm:
nodal metastases (80%), local recurrence (40%), distant
metastases (28%)
--<4 cm:
nodal metastases (16%), local recurrence (5%), distant metastases
( 0%) -leukorrhea ± vaginal bleeding (<30%)
-postcoital bleeding / metrorrhagia
-bulky enlargement of cervix (DDx: cervical fibroid)
-fluid-filled uterus (secondary to obstruction)
-signs of parametrial invasion: >4-mm soft-tissue strands extending
from cervix into parametria, cardinal / sacrouterine ligaments,
irregularity of cervical margins, eccentric parametrial enlargement,
obliteration of fat planes
MR (76-83% accuracy for staging, 82-92% accuracy for parametrial
-isointense mass on T1WI
-hyperintense focal bulge / mass on T2WI (DDx: postbiopsy changes,
inflammation, nabothian cysts)
-blurring + widening of junctional zone secondary to obstruction
of cervical os (retained secretions in uterine cavity)
-local recurrence (usually within 2 years)