經歷: | 2013.09.10~2022..09.17 新光醫院牙科部部主任
2001.7~2002.6 新光醫院牙科部臨床研究員 2000.7~2001.6 新光醫院牙科部總醫師 1996.7~2000.6 新光醫院牙科部住院醫師 2005.9-迄今 輔仁大學兼任講師 2012.9 -迄今 陽明大學兼任部定助理教授 2001.07 to 2002.06 Fellow, Department of Dentistry, SKH 2000.07 to 2001.06 Chief Resident, Department of Dentistry, SKH 1996.07 to 2000.06 Resident, Department of Dentistry, SKH 2005.9 to now Lecturer, Fu Jen Catholic University 2012.9 to now Assistant Professor, National Yang-Ming University
專科證書: | 衛福部定贋復補綴牙科專科醫師 中華民國植牙醫學會專科醫師 台灣顱顎障礙症學會專科醫師 Diplomate, The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, ROC. Academy of Dental Implantology R.O.C, Diplomate board certificated board implantologist Diplomate, Taiwan Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders